Homily – The Ladder and Living in the World

Homily of the Sunday of St. John of the Ladder Today Fr. Anthony riffed on this gem, found towards the beginning of The Ladder.  He describes the beautiful way of perfection in Christ planned for all those who do not live in monestaries.   Step One: On Renunciation 21. Some people living carelessly in the world […]

Homily – Taking up our Cross

Homily of the Sunday of the Cross From Bishop Nicholas (DOMSE Newsletter): The Church has placed the Cross in the middle of Great and Holy Lent, the third Sunday of the Fast, for a very specific reason!  The Church has placed the Cross in the middle of Great and Holy Lent, the third Sunday of the […]

The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 26

The Way of Ascetics; Tito Colliander Chapter Twenty-Six: ON THE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE … The narrow way has no end: its quality is eternity. There every moment is a moment of beginning-the present includes the future: the day of judgment; the present includes the past: creation; for Christ is timelessly present everywhere, both in […]

The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 25

Way of Ascetics; Toto Colliander Chapter Twenty-Five: ON THE JESUS PRAYER …  Especially should the beginner beware of everything that has the slightest tendency to mysticism. The Jesus Prayer is an activity, a practical work and a means by which you enable yourself to receive and use the power called God’s grace-constantly present, however hidden, […]

The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 24

Today we cover Chapter 24 of Way of Ascetics, “On an Interpretation of Zacchaeus.”  It has some beautiful imagery.  This class was accompanied by Thai Tofu Fresh Rolls and Gypsy soup.  If you are ever in the Anderson area, come and visit! Check out this episode!

Class – Palamas and Becoming One (as God is One)

Today Fr. Anthony wanted to share some ideas he’s been playing with, resulting from his study of St. Gregory Palamas, theology (e.g. essence and energy), and relationships.  Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

Homily – St. Gregory Palamas and Marriage

Marriage as a Metaphor for Orthodoxy Homily of St. Gregory Palamas Today we celebrate the life and teachings of someone who really got it? St. Gregory Palamas; he experienced God’s love for him in a real and tangible way, and he reflected that love back at God and on all those around him. That’s what […]

The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 23

Today, Fr. Anthony covers Chapter Twenty-Three: ON TIMES OF DARKNESS with the faithful of Christ the Savior in Anderson SC.  We changed the format a bit, having the class as we enjoyed our after-Presanctified collation of PB&J’s, PB&B’s, collard greens, and tobouli. Enjoy the show! Check out this episode!

The Way of Ascetics – Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty-Two: ON THE USE OF MATERIAL THINGS WE are made up of soul and body; the two cannot be separated in our conduct. Let the physical therefore come to your aid: Christ knew our weakness and for our sake used words and gestures, spittle and earth as media. For our sake He let His […]

Homily – Forgiveness

Matthew 6:14-21 Romans 13:11-14:4 In today’s Gospel, the Lord tells us to lay up treasures in heaven, how do we do that? It’s not hard. And it’s, it’s actually a lot easier than fully investing in your 401k. Because the amount of love that is available to your heart, to share with others, that will […]