Homily for St. Thomas Sunday – What is belief?

What does it mean to believe?

  • Yes, there are claims about historical events, such as those involving the life, death, and resurrection of Christ, the establishment of the Church and so on. And we need to make sure we understand them and why a rational person would accept them. Because historical claims are so often disputed, many people call the acceptance of such things; “faith”.
  • But is this what faith really is? Is that really what it means to believe? I am willing to argue that faith is less about acceptance of facts than it is the acceptance an entire worldview that gives [these and all] facts meaning. “The Light of Christ illumines all”.
  • Today I want to give a brief introduction to what this looks like by using two examples.
    • Bradley Hospital. What really goes on there? Proof that genetics and environment sometimes conspire against the innocent? Proof that love has nothing to do with creation? That is not what I saw.
    • Marriage. Which worldview will you allow to guide your marriage? The one that the world gives you – or the one that sees it as the opportunity to express and draw from the world’s foundations? A worldview based on reductionist (rather than truly scientific) scientism will lead you in one direction – a direction which will constrict the joy and longevity of the marriage; while a worldview based on the love of Christ will lead you in another.
For the believer, evidence of Christ is everywhere; wherever two or more are gathered in His name (in love): he is there; wherever the needy are served: he is there. He manifests Himself in every loving act. St. Thomas learned the Truth of Christ. He did not see it at first, but He stayed with the Church and kept at it and Christ manifested Himself to Him. For those who are struggling: follow the example of Thomas – keep at it. In the days after His resurrection, God manifested Himself most clearly on the Road to Emmaus through the Holy Eucharist. To Thomas, it was the literal, corporal presence of Jesus that did it. The Eucharist is here, and the Church is the Body of Christ.
This is the Christian worldview, the one grounded on the truth of Love – give your heart (and your eyes) to Christ and see everything as it truly is.