Homily – Unity in Liturgy

Third Sunday after PentecostRomans 5:1-10; St. Matthew 6:22-33 This Summer, during the time of shortened homilies, I am dedicating this brief time to the topic of the Eucharistic Liturgy as the “common work of a thankful people” and how it is designed to bring us into a deeper salvific and sanctifying relationship with Jesus Christ.. […]

Unity, Authenticity, and the Paranormal

OrthoAnalyika Shownotes: 22 November 2009 Note: be sure to subscribe to the podcast. Homily/Lesson (24th Sunday after Pentecost) Epistle: Ephesians (2: 14-22) For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments […]

Segregation, Unity, and Music

OrthoAnalyika Shownotes: 08 November 2009 Note: be sure to subscribe to the podcast. Homily/Lesson (22nd Sunday after Pentecost) Preface: Division is killing us. Not just war. But the divisions within our hearts. Fort Hood: fruit of internal discord. Less visible with us, but still destroys those around us. Christ came to heal all divisions: both […]

More Thoughts on American Orthodox Church Unity

I have gone back and edited the most recent podcast (20090405_Mary.mp3) to take out the commentary on His Beatitude Mp Jonah’s talk. Unfortunately, I should have edited it beforehand. I was trying to make the point that many Ukrainians would be tempted to schism by the possibility of unification with the OCA, but I fear […]

Some Thoughts on Orthodox Unity

I am frequently in contact with people who are passionate about “Church Unity”. Here is my basic take on this, broken down by specific area. Defining my Terms: By “Unity”, I mean a sharing more than a belief in Christ as Savior, but of the implications of this belief regarding shared ecclesiology and sacraments. While […]