Homily: the Cross and the Sun

The Sunday after the Exaltation of the Cross The Cross: A marketer’s nightmare On the morning of the feast (Friday morning), I challenged you to think and pray on the implications of having the Cross as our standard.  It isn’t the kind of thing that a marketing team would come up with.  After all, who […]

Homily Outline – Sunday after the Nativity of the Theotokos

Yesterday we celebrated a birthday! 1. Miracle. Joachim and Anna.  We forget how great a miracle all conceptions and births are. 2. Her life (segue – her age!) We rejoice with the angels at the life of Mary. Chaste. Pure. Devoted.  3. Through her salvation has come into the world. Miracle. Chastity. Life given to […]

Homily: Threading the Needle

Homily on St. Matthew 19:16-2615 September 2013 And that thou mightest learn, that not by addition but by taking away this evil is stayed; if thou hadst ever had an absurd desire to fly and to be borne through the air, how wouldest thou extinguish this unreasonable desire? By fashioning wings, and preparing other instruments, […]

Homily – On the Rich Young Man

St. Matthew 19:16-26 Commending our whole life unto Christ our God   [Talk about triathlon yesterday, then segue into the challenges life provides us, then into …]  We are all going to come to the end of ourselves. Some of you have already been through some seriously difficult times, but not everyone has. One of […]

Homily: Eating Pig Pods – and loving it

Homily on the Prodigal SonSt. Luke 15:11-321 Corinthians 6:12-20 A Metaphor on Food One of the best ways to understand sin is as those things that damage our health [explain].   We were made so with feedback loops so that we could diagnose the things we had been eating that were causing us harm [explain]. […]

Homily – The Requirements of Eternal Life

1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (Epistle)St. Matthew 19:16-26 “How must I live to enjoy eternal life?”  Let’s be honest, this is not the kind of question people ask Christ or His Church much anymore.  And it’s not because people don’t care about life after death.  Based on the books we read and all the other media we […]