20120615 Orthodox and Genetics, Part One

A Pep Talk for the Orthodox Christian Sponsor: www.douglasaperkins.com Cool thing for the Prepper Priest from Duluth Trading Company: the prepper-priest’s kontorasson (clergy vest – I use the black one in tall; it has pockets for all my priest-stuff!) An interview with Dr. Deborah Sirko-Osadsa, D.A.B.M.G., F.A.C.M.G. Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Former Director, Molecular […]

20120412 The Orthodox Way

Notes: The Orthodox Way (Hesychasm and St. Gregory Palamas) Interview with Bryan Davis as Doc Fermento. News. Why things aren’t really that bad (and likely to get even better).  Matt Ridley (The Rational Optimist):  17 Reasons to be Cheerful.  No, things aren’t as bad as Alex Jones et al claim. Effects of Greek orthodox christian church […]

Check out my interview w/ Doc Fermento!

I have been following Bryan Davis’ blog “www.askbryan.com” and podcast “Doc Fermento Discovers the World” since he was a guest on Jack Spirko’s “Survival Podcast“. He’s the one who got me interested in fermenting things – now I make my own sauerkraut, rejuvelak, kefir, and kombucha.  He gets some really good guests on his show […]

20120224 Seeds, News, and Judgement

Shownotes The Prodigal Son – Eating Pig Pods… and loving it! News Update on the homestead: prepping purchases of note (traded the jeep for a Smart Car, little house in the woods, pantry system from Shelf Reliance, Abortion safer than giving birth: study – Yahoo! News For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage […]

Homily: Eating Pig Pods – and loving it

Homily on the Prodigal SonSt. Luke 15:11-321 Corinthians 6:12-20 A Metaphor on Food One of the best ways to understand sin is as those things that damage our health [explain].   We were made so with feedback loops so that we could diagnose the things we had been eating that were causing us harm [explain]. […]

Homily – Why are we eating ourselves to death?

20110925  Homily on Easting…. and Love2 Corinthians 4:6-15; St. Matthew 22:35-46

20110829 Hurricanes, Babies, and Education

Shownotes.  Click to listen to/download.Local News:  The Weather.  Irene Hurricane.  Need to be prepared more generally.  Spiritually, you don’t prepare for specific traumatic events (and demonic assaults) that have been forecast, you maintain constant vigilance.  Then we are ready for everything that comes along.  This fits in with a couple pieces of traditional Christian wisdom:  […]

20110429 Pawlo’s Greatest Hits

Click Here to Listen/Download All Pawlo, All the Time In this episode, I prolong my break from discussing things like nephilim, singularities, and the immortality of the soul in order to do what sitcoms do during writer’s strike:  a best-of/flashback show.  The size of our audience has really grown over the last year, so many […]

20110304 Lent, News, and Evangelizing Moral Therapeutic Deists

The USB Symbol: a Sign of  Ukrainian Orthodoxy’s Global Influence!!! Shownotes for 20110221Lesson: Lenten Epistle of the Permanent Conference of Ukrainian Orthodox Bishops beyond the Borders of Ukraine [Musical Interlude is the Lenten Prokimen “Turn not away Thy Face”, available here by St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in San Anselmo, CA.] Mail Call:Question from a new reader/listener:  Why doesn’t […]

20110221 The Ontology of Evil

Shownotes for 20110221Lesson:Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron… But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness.  For bodily exercise profits […]