Homily: Threading the Needle

Homily on St. Matthew 19:16-2615 September 2013 And that thou mightest learn, that not by addition but by taking away this evil is stayed; if thou hadst ever had an absurd desire to fly and to be borne through the air, how wouldest thou extinguish this unreasonable desire? By fashioning wings, and preparing other instruments, […]

Homily – The Blind Man, Mythology, and Tradition

The Man Born Blind – on mythology and truth (St. John 9:1-38) I love mythology. I love the stories, the heros, their virtues, their flaws, and the different messes they try to work themselves out of. From the strength of Hercules and the passion of Achilles; to the asceticism of Qui-Gon Ginn, the optimism of […]

The Sunday of Orthodoxy: Embrace the Fullness of the Faith

If you are offended when priests and preachers talk about politics and rail against the government, then close your ears: I’m going to talk about the government and its policies, and I am going to evaluate them based on the unchanging Truth of Christ, the standard of perfection that is preserved and shared within holy […]

20120819 Interview on the Paranormal and Ecumenism

http://traffic.libsyn.com/orthoanalytika/20120818-FrMaximos.mp3 Today’s show starts with me talking about some logistical changes (increased access to back editions, upgraded website, twitter) ORTHOAnalytika.  Speaking of which, here’s a shoutout to Fr. John Peck of Logos Web Services for his work on the layout/content transfer and to Fr. John at Orthodox Internet Services for his hosting services. No transitions are painless, […]

Homily for the Entrance of the Theotokos: a witness on offering our best to the Lord

Homily Notes for the Feast [Tell the story of the feast]: Joachim and Anna had always wanted and worked for a child, but without success. One day, the priest at the temple refused Joachim’s offering because he had no children. He and his wife turned to the Lord in prayer, promising to offer any child […]

Funeral Homily-Unity in Christ

Note: be sure to subscribe to the podcast If there is one common theme that runs through the Good News of Christianity, it is Unity. [E.g. The Unity of Mankind; the Unity of God; the Unity of the Soul and Body.] The Psalmist declares (Ps 133:1) “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren […]

A Paralytic, the Woman at the Well, and More on an Orthodox Political Economy

OrthoAnalyika Show: 2 May 2010 Note: be sure to subscribe to the podcast Homily on the Paralytic: Acts 9: 32 – 42; St. John 5 : 1 – 15 Introduction: Healing, not ReligionOur readings today give examples of Christ’s ministry to mankind (in the healing of the paralytic), and how this ministry has continued through […]